2024 Electronics Engineering Board Exam Coverage

Electronics Engineering ECE Board Exam Coverage

What is Electronics Engineering in the Philippines?

The scope and nature of practice of Electronics Engineering shall embrace and consist of any work or activity related to the fields of electronics, including electronic devices (hardware and software), cable, wireless and optical communications, telecommunications, broadcasting, information and communications technology (ICT), computers and computer networking, navigation, medical electronics, robotics, and consumer and industrial electronics. Included also are the lecturing and training of technical and professional subjects which develop the ability to use electronics engineering fundamentals and its advancement.(Section 5.1 of R.A. 9292)

What is the Electronics Engineering Licensure Exam?

The ECE board exam, otherwise known as the Electronics Engineering Licensure Exam is a biannual written licensure exam for BS Electronics Engineering graduates held during the month of April and October. All applicants seeking to be registered and licensed as Electronics Engineer shall take the required examination given by the Board of Electronics Engineering under Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). This examination is governed by the Republic Act 9292 or the "Electronics Engineering Law of 2004".

Electronics Engineering ECE Board Exam Coverage

What is the scope of the licensure exam?

The licensure exam shall cover different areas in the field of Electronics Engineering as prescribed by the Board but include at least the following: Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Engineering Economics, Laws and Ethics, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Information and Communications Technology. Under the Implementing Rules and Regulation of R.A. 9292, the licensure exam shall compose of four subjects each with 100 items covering different areas and with its own bearing to the overall rating. The applicant shall have a general weighted average of more than 70% and a grade above 70% for each subject areas to pass the licensure exam.

PRC Releases New TOS - June 20, 2022

The Professional Regulatory Board of Electronics Engineering has released a new table of specifications for the Electronics Engineering Licensure Examination in response to the change in higher education curriculum brought by K-12 Program. Resolution No. 10 (s. 2022) was issued on June 20, 2022 and replaced the earlier syllabi. The resolution will take effect on all succeeding examinations after the issuance date. The new TOS removes the basic topics and focuses on higher and advanced subjects. Check out the new TOS below.

Mathematics - 20%

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  1. Differential Calculus
    • Functions, Continuity, Limits
    • Derivatives and its Applications
    • Higher-Order Derivatives
    • Parametric Equations
    • Partial Differentiation
  2. Integral Calculus
    • Integration Concepts and Formulas
    • Integration Techniques
    • Improper Integrals
    • Applications of Integrals
    • Multiple Integrals and its applications
  3. Differential Equations
    • First-Order, First-Degree ODE and its Applications
    • Higher-Order ODE and its Applications
    • Laplace Transforms, Inverses, and its Applications
  4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE
    • Complex Number and its Applications
    • Power Series, Bessel, Legendre, Fourier Series and its Applications
    • Fourier Transforms, Inverses and its Applications
    • Partial Differential Equations
    • Simultaneous Linear and Non-Linear Equations
    • Numerical Differentiation, Integration and Optimization
  5. Engineering Data Analysis
    • Obtaining Data
    • Statistical Sampling, Distribution and Intervals (Probability Distributions, Sampling Distributions and Point Estimation of parameters, Statistical Intervals)
    • Test of Hypothesis
    • Regression and Correlation
    • Design of Experiments
  6. Electromagnetic/Vector Analysis
    • Algebra of vectors
    • Vector Product
    • Vector Calculus
    • Vector Identities
    • Derivative of vector functions
    • Directional derivative, gradient, divergence, curl
    • Integral Theorems, Green's Lemma, Divergence Theorem and Strokes' Theorem
  7. Signals, Spectra & Signal Processing
    • Z-Transforms
    • Convolution
    • Correlation
  8. Feedback and Control Systems
    • Pole and zero determination
    • Transient Response
    • Block diagram and signal flow

General Engineering and Applied Sciences - 20%

  1. Chemistry for Engineers
    • Energy
    • Chemistry of Engineering Materials
    • Chemistry of the Nano Materials
    • Chemistry of the Environment
    • Special Topics
  2. Physics for Engineers
    • Work, Energy and Power
    • Impulse and Momentum
    • Kinematics
    • Dynamics
    • Rotation and Dynamic of Rotation
    • Elasticity
    • Oscillations and Waves
    • Fluids
    • Heat Transfer
    • Electrostatics and Electricity
    • Magnetism
    • Optics
  3. Engineering Economics
    • Terms and Definition
    • Money-Time Relationship and Equivalence
    • Basic Economy Study Methods
    • Decisions Under Certainty
    • Decisions Recognizing Risks
    • Decisions Admitting Uncertainty
  4. Engineering Management
    • Evolution of Management Theory
    • Management and Its Function
    • Planning, Leading, Organizing, Controlling
    • Managing Product and Service Operations
    • Managing the Marketing Function
    • Managing the Finance Function
  5. Technopreneurship 101
    • Technopreneurship Introduction
    • Customers
    • Value Proposition
    • Market Identification and Analysis
    • Creating Competitive Advantage
    • Business Models
    • Introduction to Intellectual Property
    • Execution and Business Plan
    • Financial Analysis and Accounting Basics
    • Raising Capital
    • Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Globalization
  6. Physics 2
    • Thermodynamics
    • Electricity
    • Magnetism
    • Electromagnetic Induction
    • Inductance
    • Alternating Current (AC)
    • Optics
    • Atomic/Nuclear
    • Heat Transfer
    • Condensed Matter
  7. Materials Science and Engineering
    • Fundamentals
    • Modern material's atomic structure and interatomic bonding
    • The structure of crystalline materials
    • Crystalline and non-crystalline materials
    • Economic, environmental, and societal issues in Materials Science and Engineering
    • Imperfections in solid
    • Diffusion in solids
    • Mechanical properties of metals
    • Application and Processing of metal alloys
    • Structure and properties of ceramics, Applications and processing of ceramics
    • EPolymer textures and properties
    • Applications and processing of polymers
    • Composites
    • Electrical properties
    • Dielectric behavior
    • Magnetic properties
    • Optical properties
    • Thermal properties
  8. Computer Programming
    • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and UML
    • Object Oriented Analysis and Design
    • Programming Language Fundamentals
    • Advanced Programming Language Fundamentals
    • Exception Handling
    • Graphical User Interface Programming
  9. Environment Science and Engineering
    • Nature and Ecology
    • Natural Systems and Resources
    • Environmental Concerns and Crises
    • Environmental Impact Assessment
    • Sustainable Development
  10. ECE Laws, Contracts, Ethics, Standards & Safety
    • Fundamentals of the Laws, Obligations and Contracts
    • Pledge of ECE & CSC Guidelines
    • The Board Examination
    • Regulating the ECE Procession (PRC)
    • Practicing the ECE Profession
    • Other ECE Related Statutes
    • Safety and Health Standards
    • PEC Codes
  11. Computer-aided Drawing (CAD)
    • Introduction to CAD Software and its environment
    • Snapping and construction elements
    • Dimensioning, Plotting and Image input

Electronics Engineering - 30%

  1. DC Electrical Circuits
    • Resisitve Network
    • Mesh and Node Equations
    • Network Theorems
    • Transient Analysis
    • Solution to DC Network Problems
  2. AC Electrical Circuits
    • Solution to AC Network Problems
    • Impedance and Admittance
    • Resonance
    • Power in AC Circuits
    • Two-Port Network Parameters and Transfer Function
  3. Electromagnetics
    • Steady Electric and Magnetic Fields
    • Dielectric and Magnetic Materials
    • Resonance
    • Coupled and Magnetic Circuits
    • Time-varying Fields and Maxwell's Equation
  4. Electronic Devices and Circuits
    • Diode Wave Shaping Circuits and Special Diode Applications
    • BJT and FET Small Signal Analysis
    • Diode Equivalent Circuits
    • Voltage Multipliers, Power Supply, and Voltage Regulation
    • Bipolar Junction Transistor and FET
  5. Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design
    • BJT and FET Frequency Response
    • Cascade and Cascode Connections
    • Current Mirrors and Current Source
    • Differential and Operational Amplifier
    • Feedback Systems, Oscillators, and Filters
  6. Electronic Systems and Design
    • SCR's, UJT, PUT, TRIAC, DIAC, and other Thyristors
    • Optoelectronic Devices and Sensors
    • Transducers, Data Acquisition, and Interfacing Techniques
    • Programmable Logic Controllers
    • Design and Integration in Building Management Systems and HVAC Controls, Security, Safety, and Surveillance Control Systems, and Audio-Video and Lighting Controls
  7. Logic Circuits and Switching Theory
    • Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
    • Minimization of Combinational Logic Circuits
    • Sequential Logic Circuits
    • Algorithmic State Machine (ASM)
    • Asynchronous Sequential Logic
  8. Microprocessor and Microcontroller Systems and Design
    • Microprocessor Unit
    • Memory Subsystem
    • I/O Subsystem
    • Instruction Set Architecture and Assembly Programming
    • Microcontrollers
  9. Feedback and Control Systems
    • Block Diagram Representation and Signal Flow Graphs
    • LTI Systems and Transient Analysis
    • System Modeling and Transfer Function
    • Poles and Zeros, Root Locus, and Stability Analysis
    • Steady State Analysis and Frequency Response

Electronics Systems and Technologies - 30%

  1. Signals, Spectra, Signal Processing
    • Classification and Characteristics of signals
    • Sampling theorem and Aliasing
    • Difference equations for FIR and IIR filters
    • Convolution and correlation
    • Z transforms
    • Pole-zero-gain filters
    • Fourier transforms
    • Filtering
    • FIR/IIR
  2. Principles of Communications
    • Introduction to Communications Systems
    • Noise
    • Amplitude Modulation
    • Single-Sideband Techniques
    • Frequency Modulation
    • Radio Receivers
    • Radiation and Propagation of Waves
    • Pulse Modulation
    • Digital Modulation
    • Broadband Communication System
  3. Digital Communications
    • Introduction to Digital Communications Systems
    • Digital Transmission
    • PAM, PWM, PPM, Pulse Code Modulation
    • Digital Communications
    • ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM
    • Basics of Information Theory
    • Error Detection
  4. Transmission and Antenna Systems
    • Transmission Lines Circuits
    • Losses and parametersn
    • Matching TL
    • Smith Charts
    • Radio Wave Propagation
    • Power Density and Field Strength Calculations
    • Antenna Systems
    • Wave guides
    • Fiber Optics
  5. Electronics 3: Electronic Systems and Design
    • SCR's, UJT, PUT, TRIAC, DIAC, and other Thyristors
    • Optoelectronic Devices and Sensors
    • Transducers
    • Interfacing Techniques
    • Programmable Logic Controllers
    • Building Management Systems including HVAC Controls, Security and Surveillance Control Systems, Audio-Video and Lighting Controls, Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition, Fire and Life Safety Controls
  6. Data Communications
    • Introduction to Data Communications
    • Category of Data Communication
    • Configurations and Network Topology
    • Transmission Modes
    • Two-wire vs. Four-Wire Circuits
    • Types of Synchronization
    • Network Components (Terminal, multiplexer, concentrators)
    • Network Components (LCU, FEP, Serial Interface)
    • Security and Cryptography
    • Open System Interconnection
    • System Network Architecture
    • TCP/IP Architecture
    • Character-Oriented Protocols
    • Bit-Oriented Protocols
    • LAN, MAN, WAN, GAN
    • ISDN. B-ISDN

ECE - Table of Specifications (TOS)

PRC Board of ECE Resolution No. 10, Series of 2022
1 / 13
Mathematics Page 1
2 / 13
Mathematics Page 2
3 / 13
Mathematics Page 3
4 / 13
General Engineering and Applied Sciences Page 1
5 / 13
General Engineering and Applied Sciences Page 2
6 / 13
General Engineering and Applied Sciences Page 3
7 / 3
General Engineering and Applied Sciences Page 4
8 / 13
Electronics Engineering Page 1
9 / 13
Electronics Engineering Page 2
10 / 13
Electronics Engineering Page 3
11 / 13
Electronics Systems and Technologies Page 1
12 / 13
Electronics Systems and Technologies Page 2
13 / 13
Electronics Systems and Technologies Page 3

What do you think of the new TOS for ECE Board Exam? Comment it down below!


  1. Parang ito pa rin yung lumang syylabus ng board exam
    Wala po ba updated?

    1. Hi, this is still the latest syllabus for ECE board exams.

  2. Sir, paano po kapag condi status aand nakapagfile for exam last 2020, then for some reasons ay di makakapagtake this October, is it considered as failed po ba? or no show/absent lang?

    Also, if no show ako, yung status ko bang condi is maforfeit, and need ko itake lahat ng subjects parang retaker?

    1. conditional pa din yung magiging status mo at lalabas na absent ka. ang itetake mo lang naman yung subject na nabagsak mo.

  3. I graduated my electronics engineering course from International Correspondence Schools/Thompson Education Direct-Philippines as my post graduate studies,and i also finished my degree in Electroniics Technology from University of Southeastern Philippines.Am i qualified to take the Electronics Engineering Licensure exam?

    1. please read RA9292 section 14

  4. What subject on the 1st day of exam

    1. Math and Elex on first day then GEAS and EST on second day.

  5. Ito pa rin po ba ang syllabus this coming oct 2022 board examination?

    1. There will be a new syllabus in the upcoming exam. We will update this page as soon as possible once it is published by PRC.

  6. Why is it that the ece board exam mowadays is made to be very difficult not like the pass many years? It is not justifiable. Can this be change back to not so difficult exam.

    1. The board ensures that the pool of ECE professionals meet the minimum standard. This level of difficulty will actually help the profession to retain its competitiveness.

  7. is this updated? looing for new syllabus. thanks

    1. Not yet, will update as soon as I got the copy.

    2. Hi there, post is already updated with the new TOS.

  8. I graduated 2005 never take a ece board exam, paano po gagawin ko

    1. Just register at PRC like a first timer examinee.

  9. will this affect conditional status

    1. First timers, retakers and conditional will have the same examination coverage.

  10. Ito na po ba board exam coverage ng ECE, October 2022 & April 2023? Thank you po sa sasagot.

    1. The post is already updated with the new TOS. It will take effect on all examinations after June 20, 2022.

  11. Is this updated na po for October 2022? Where to subscribe? Thanks!

    1. Yes, this is already updated. Check it out!

  12. Hi! This might be a noob question but, for example "Taylor Series" is not mentioned in the coverage, does that mean we shouldn't have to study for it?

    1. TOS should only serve as a guide. There might be topics that might appear on the board exam that isn't included in the TOS.

  13. Hi guys, OFW po ako.. and interested po mag take ng exam this October, Papano ko po ma submit mga requirement sa PRC office since nasa labas KSA pa ako.. pwedi po ba online submition ng requierement.. Maramin salamat po.. God bless

    1. Check provisions for SPLE po, included ECE doon

  14. Allowed po ba ang 570 es plus 2nd edition sa ECE board exam?

    1. Yes before. Pero may bagong notice ngayon na ban na sya

  15. Mayron ka po bang downloadable document ng new tos?

  16. Hi. I failed the Electronics Engineering Licensure Examination in October 2011. I still have my NOA. Will PRC still require a copy of TOR for retaking the October 2023 exams?

    1. Yes, they still check your TOR. I took last October 2022. You can get a copy again of your TOR sa school naman diba.

  17. is this updated po? new tos 2023?

  18. Updated na po ba to? For new TOS

  19. Mag change na po ba ang examiner this October 2024?

  20. Ilan days po ba malalaman kung condi ang status sa exam

    1. Pwede after paglabas ng results agad, try to check your COR. Or verify scores thru rating checker


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